Stev skis the backside of Folger Peak above Highland Lakes (above) and hikes up further (below.) Hiram Peak’s snow patches can be seen in the background. Stev skis
Stev hikes up above Leavitt Lake (above) and a panoramic view of the snow patch above Koenig Lake (below.) Stev skiing the patch above Koenig Lake. Stev skiing
Michele looks back at the northeast ridge of Hiram Peak (above) and Stev skiing the skier’s right shoulder chute of the ridge (below.) A panoramic view across the
Three gullies on the backside of The Nipple facing Lower Blue Lake. Spence skis the upper portion of the looker’s left gully patch (above) and goes off the
Our deer friend guides us in. Stev starts in (above) followed by Spence (below.) Stev (above) and Spence (below) Stev slowing to a stop (above) and pushing to
Baka and Makisha follow Stev down Rehab Ridge. Sequence of Stev skiing looker’s Right Rehab Ridge. Baka and Makisha follow Stev down. So I decided to balance my