Melissa Coray Peak, Emigrant Lake August 17, 2009

Spence points to the two patches we would be skiing.

Spence hangs out at the gate between Lookout Peak and Thunder Saddle.

We passed this marker on the way up:

Stev’s Hawaiian shirt steeze at the top of the first patch:

Spence starts down…

passes by above Emigrant Lake and Caples Lake…

then turns further down…

Stev heads down…

and into the “Chokepoint Charlie” Chute:

Spence follows…

and as he enters the “Chokepoint Charlie” Chute…

he gives himself a Charlie horse…

then he “gets back on the horse” and continues down…

only to be nearly swallowed by a man-eating suncup…

Stev skis to the bottom below the “Chokepoint Charlie” Chute:

Spence heads into the second patch:

Stev climbs up to the top:

Stev skiing down the second patch:

Spences skiing down the second patch:

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