Poison Creek Patch, June 8, 2019

Penny standing in the shadows above the falls and below the Poison Creek Patch

Stev starts down on his first run

Stev skiing in the shadows

Zooey joins Stev
Zooey and Stev

Penny encourages Stev to take another run

Stev starts down on another run

Penny and Zooey follow Stev
Penny, Zooey, and Stev

Stev makes another turn downhill while Zooey turns toward Penny
Stev, Zooey and Penny

Zooey and Penny near the top of the Poison Creek Patch next to some more little waterfalls
Zooey and Penny

Zooey and Penny near the bottom of the Poison Creek Patch
Zooey and Penny

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