Blue Lakes Road Ridge, May 23, 2014

This was a dusk patrol recon ski mission. I wanted to see about access to The Nipple from Blue Lakes Road. I heard that the 4th gate was closed at 7 miles in. I also found that the gate on the dirt road that goes to the B cup chutes was locked. This meant that there was no access to The Nipple. Plan B became skiing a ridge on the opposite side of the road just past the 4th gate.

Makisha encourages me to hike further up:

Penny tests the snow:
I also skied the hourglass like patch seen on the upper left.

A Panorama of the east ridge, and northeast chutes of The Nipple:

Penny above the last two ridges I skied:

(Front to Back) Makisha, Lhasas, Penny, cornice on ridge, Blue Lakes Road:
Makisha and Penny

Blue Lakes Road Ridge:

I skied from upper looker’s left, down to lower looker’s right with a couple short dirt/rock crossings in between.

I’ll gladly ski this ridge again. Hopefully they will open the 4th gate to allow access to The Nipple soon.

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