Kirkwood, the adventure tent, and the adventure rack. Tyrone Shoelaces, Model Bro, Kirkwood, June 18, 2005. Tyrone Shoelaces “Bro waving” or “the joke that never gets old!” Ron
Makisha scopes out a traverse under a cornice. Baka looking up from my side-step tracks (I need to get skins.) Sputnik and the suncups. Looking down from “the
The “October Patch”, October 3, 2004 Doug in front of The “October Patch”: Stev skiing The “October Patch”: This is the first time I have ever skied on
The October Patch, September 14, 2004 Stev skiing: Caples Lake can be seen in the distance. Stev Skiing Sequence: Doug skiing sequence: Kirkwood can be seen in the
Doug standing in front of cool glacial looking snow in the area below Dunderberg Peak, August 13. 2004. Cool glacial looking snow and lake in the area below
Stev skiing, left patch, July 18, 2004. Doug skiing, left patch, July 18, 2004. Doug skiing through a narrow bit of snow in between the rocks, left patch,