Carson Pass Panorama, taken Monday, June 12, 2006 from Red Lake Peak. Red Lake Peak, June 12, 2006. Green Arrow – Beginning of bushwack up to the snow.
Sequence of Stev skiing Virginia Lakes, June 10, 2006. Sequence of Curtis snowboarding Virginia Lakes, June 10, 2006. Panorama, Virginia Lakes, June 10, 2006. We went down the
Sputnik running up and Stev skiing down Sputnik running behind Stev skiing down Stev, Sputnik, Makisha, and Baka Stev traversing and scoping out Sonora Pass area from the
The fire lookout at the top of Leviathan Peak. Stev skiing Monitor Pass, May 13, 2006. The Sweetwater Mountains are in the background. Stev, Makisha, and Baka, Monitor