Stev: Jason: Spence: Stev bootpacks up for more: Spence: Jason: Stev: Stev and Jason bootpack up for more: Video: Jason: Spence: Stev: In search of more snow Stev
Stev on the hike up: Spence on the hike up: Stev sidesteps up to the top: Stev: Spence: Stev bootpacks up for more: Spence: Stev standing above Spence’s
Stev: Spence: Spence: Video: Spence: Ebbett’s Peak and Kinney Reservoir: Stev makes the Kinney Reservoir log crossing: (L to R) Area of our first two runs, Spence, Ebbett’s
MJ and Spence check out The Nipple and beyond after lunch: MJ: Spence: MJ: Spence: Stev: The peak above Forestdale Creek: We skied from the peak to the
Stev sking below Leviathan Peak. Stev sking below Leviathan Peak. Baka and Makisha are running in the foreground. The Sisters, Sweetwater Mountains, are in the background. Stev’s tracks