Method Man Patch Stev: Winnemucca Lake can be seen in the background. Stev on the edge: Spence: MJ: MJ: Stev: WuTang Patch and Method Man Patch Stev skiing
Stev and M.C. Penny Cartoon head up hill: Stev starts skiing downhill: Makisha heads across to meet Stev: They slalom down together: Stev takes another run solo: Spence
Spence: Stev: Stev bootpacks up for more: and Stev gets more: Spence hikes up for more: and Spence gets more: We were visited by a butterfly: Besides being
Indian Paintbrush: M.C. Penny Cartoon: This is M.C. Penny Cartoon’s first experience in the snow. Makisha and M.C. Penny Cartoon playing: Stev skiing Lower Greenstone: Makisha and M.C.
The “Method Man” Patch below Roundtop and above Winnemucca Lake. MJ: Stev: The “W” or “Wu Tang” patch with Roundtop in the background: MJ on the Roundtop/Sisters saddle
Two pictures of a plant with way cool alien looking pods: Stev: Spence: Spence: Stev: Lhasa Pows, King Salmons, and Soft Serve 8s: Another view of soft serve
Spence nearly getting stuck in the wildflowers on the approach: We would start skiing from the snow to looker’s right of his ski tips. We also needed to