Since they finally opened the gate on the road, we decided to explore Blackwood Canyon. We skied 11 runs, honoring Nigel Tufnel, on 5 different snow patches. Zooey
Zooey and Penny join Stev on Forestdale Divide’s Big Backside Patch Stev taking another run on Forestdale Divide’s Big Backside Patch Penny Spence starts down Forestdale Divide’s Big
A zooming Zooey spraying corn snow on the approach A stretching Zooey and a sitting Penny on the approach Penny enjoying a panoramic view from the top of
Spence and Stev starting down North Drifter along with Penny and Zooey Spence spraying smooth corn snow on North Drifter Penny, Zooey, and Stev Stev, Zooey and Penny