Mark on the boat taxi… Mark wrote an article about our ski day on Unofficial Alpine. Here is a link: …Stev… Stev starts up… …and continues up
Indian Paintbrush: M.C. Penny Cartoon: This is M.C. Penny Cartoon’s first experience in the snow. Makisha and M.C. Penny Cartoon playing: Stev skiing Lower Greenstone: Makisha and M.C.
Lower Greenstone Spence looking up at what is left of Lower Greenstone: Sequence of Stev’s first run: Stev starting off high and then getting a few more turns
MJ in front of a lake, falls, and Shepherd Crest. Mt. Conness and Conness Glacier, Ridge to Kook Chute, and North Peak. MJ in the foreground, dirty snow
Lower Greenstone Tony skiing Lower Greenstone. Stev skiing Lower Greenstone. Stev hiking up above Lower Greenstone with our tracks in the background. Here is a closer look: A
View looking down on Greenstone Lake. Tim above Greenstone Chutes in the foreground, North Peak in the background. Cate skiing Greenstone Chutes: Tim skiing Greenstone Chutes. Mitch, “Look