Skiing Ebbetts Pass with Michele, Zooey, Hazel, and Trixie Looking across Kinney Reservoir at Ebbetts Peak (with the four dragon chutes to looker’s right – Welsh Green Dragon
Skiing Ebbetts Pass with Michele, Zooey, Hazel, and Trixie. Hazel, Michele, and Trixie with Ebbetts Peak in the background. Trixie Hazel, Trixie, and Zooey A panoramic view of
After hearing that Ebbetts Pass had opened recently, my wife Michele and I took our dogs Zooey and Hazel up for some fun on the snow. Michele’s wind-styled
Hazel, Penny, Michele, and Zooey keeping cool on our approach A panoramic view from above the Chinese Fireball Dragon Chute Stev starts down Chinese Fireball Dragon Chute… …continues…
Penny and Michele on the hike up Penny above the thawing Dorothy Lake Zooey and Penny Penny and prancing Zooey Zooey The view looking down from the top
Michele, Makisha, Penny and I returned to one of our favorite places, Dorothy Lake. Dorothy Lake is a short hike above Ebbetts Pass. Makisha watches Stev ski toward
Michele and I headed back up to Ebbetts Pass with Makisha and Penny. Looking across Kinney Reservoir up at Ebbetts Peak. Penny at the top of Welsh Green