Stev: Jason: Spence: Stev bootpacks up for more: Spence: Jason: Stev: Stev and Jason bootpack up for more: Video: Jason: Spence: Stev: In search of more snow Stev
Stev on the hike up: Spence on the hike up: Stev sidesteps up to the top: Stev: Spence: Stev bootpacks up for more: Spence: Stev standing above Spence’s
Stev: Spence: Spence: Video: Spence: Ebbett’s Peak and Kinney Reservoir: Stev makes the Kinney Reservoir log crossing: (L to R) Area of our first two runs, Spence, Ebbett’s
MJ and Spence check out The Nipple and beyond after lunch: MJ: Spence: MJ: Spence: Stev: The peak above Forestdale Creek: We skied from the peak to the