Highland Lakes, Hiram Peak, August 1, 2019

Michele throws a stick for Penny and Zooey
Michele, Penny, and Zooey

Stev and Zooey on a recon hike with a chute in the backside of Hiram Peak in the background
Stev and Zooey


Zooey and Penny
Zooey and Penny

Stev on his first run of the day

Stev and Zooey
Stev and Zooey

Zooey and Stev
Zooey and Stev

Zooey and Stev
Zooey and Stev
Zooey and Stev

A view of the backside of Folger Peak from across a snow patch
Folger Peak

Stev starts down the Confluence Patch followed by Zooey and Penny
Stev, Zooey, and Penny

Zooey, Stev, and Penny on the Confluence Patch
Zooey, Stev, and Penny

Looking up at the bottom of the Confluence Patch
The Confluence Patch

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