Summit City Trail and Forestdale, August 28, 2023
|Spence and I did a recon ski mission out along the Summit City Trail.
Stev on our first run on the Summit City Trail Patch
Spence on our first run on the Summit City Trail Patch
Stev on our second run on the Summit City Trail Patch
Spence on our second run on the Summit City Trail Patch
Spence on our hike back out. He is actually on the trail, which as you can see, has had a lot of amazing growth on it.
We returned by skiing a patch up at Forestdale Divide.
Stev starting down a patch at Forestdale Divide
Spence skiing Forestdale Divide
Spence hiking out with our tracks in the background
We saw many Hummingbird Moths on our hike out.
I’ll start with a picture of two followed by some individual shots.