Highland Lakes, Folger Peak, Hiram Peak, August 17, 2019
|On this return trip to Highland Lakes, I was joined by Phil from pugski.com (now skitalk.com) and Stephen. When we arrived, we met a couple of other patchskiers, Tom and Chris.
We started on the lower backside of Folger Peak.
Zooey offers encouragement to Phil
Phil heads down on another run with Hiram Peak in the background
Zooey leaps toward Phil
Stephen with Hiram Peak in the background
Tom with Hiram Peak in the background
Stephen and Phil watch Tom ski down while Zooey leaps up
Tom, Stephen, and Phil see Chris skiing down with Hiram Peak in the background
Stev skis to his left while Zooey turns to her right
Zooey sets the pace for Stev
Phil spraying corn snow
Zooey shows Stev how to spray corn snow
After a half a dozen runs we headed over to the lower frontside of Hiram Peak.
Phil starts down above Highland Lakes
Stephen and Phil synchro-skiing above Upper Highland Lake