Ebbetts Pass, June 16, 2019
|Penny and Michele on the hike up
Penny above the thawing Dorothy Lake
Zooey and Penny
Penny and prancing Zooey
The view looking down from the top of Chinese Fireball Dragon Chute
Stev starts down Chinese Fireball Dragon Chute. Ebbetts Peak is in the background
Stev skiing through the neck of Chinese Fireball Dragon Chute
Stev skiing toward Kinney Reservoir
Stev and a leaping Zooey
Zooey and Stev cooling off his feet on the hike out
Looking across Kinney Reservoir up at Ebbetts Peak. Chinese Fireball Dragon Chute is the 4th chute to looker’s right of the peak. Even at a distance the dragon’s head shape can be seen
Afterwards we saw lots of our favorite, the snow plant.
Snow Plant (Sarcodes sanguinea) Gallery: